By: Jeffrey Klein, Political Buzz Examiner

The New York Times is the “tool” of choice, when the Democrat party wants to “float” a trial balloon on new or recycled tactics and strategies that it is considering. After having a complicit author write an article, based on inside information from “annonymous sources close to … ,” they sit back and collect the feedback, then, after analyzing it, they make their decision.

However, the somber tenor of a November 27, 2011 New York Times Op-Ed section article by Thomas B. Edsall, reveals that Obama 2012 campaign operatives are explicitly “abandoning” any efforts to attract “white, working-class voters.”

Evidently, it is in recognition of the “continuing and increasingly severe losses among white voters” Democrats have suffered over the past number of decades.

“All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic,” according to Edsall.

Although the demographics specified above include people of the far left persuasion, they are more easily grouped into people who have an “entitlement mentality” and the liberal education complex who taught them. This also includes private and public sector union workers and a large fraction of those under sixty-five who receive some form of goverment assistance payments.

These are the only people who live in an ethereal world, who believe in the Liberal/Socialist ideology and would vote for Obama and Company.

This new strategy was driven by two, high-caliber Democrat analysts, Stanley Greenberg and Ruy Teixeira, who had been calling on Democrats to seek a coalition with white voters. Now, they advocate replacing them with … “well-educated socially liberal whites in alliance with the growing ranks of less affluent minority voters, especially Hispanics.”

In the United States, Teixeira noted, “the Republican Party has become the party of the white working class,” while in Europe, many working-class voters who had been the core of Social Democratic parties have moved over to far right parties, especially those with anti-immigration platforms.

Teixeira is absolutely correct in his observations, in that Republicans do see the handwriting on the wall in looking at Europe–unless entitlements are reined in, and the entitlement mentality neutralized, America is headed for the same oblivion.

However, neither President Obama nor the Democrats care, because a large portion of their constituency has no “skin in the game” to begin with, and therefore will not have to shoulder any of the financial responsibility–but, they can still vote.

So, it is clear that President Obama and Democrats are now vividly setting the stage for “class warfare” in the 2012 elections, dividing the country between the entrepreneurial and productive class who believes in “personal responsibility,” and those who have made poor life-choices, blame anyone else but themselves and expect the taxpayers to foot their bill.

Greenberg and Teixeira go on in great historic detail, steeped in analysis, while plotting the intended trajectory for an Obama win in 2012–however, as usual, Democrat academia has it all wrong from the start.

Although there are some demographic affinities that align with Democrats, just as there are with Republicans, demographics cross all political lines, especially where Independent voters are concerned–and it is well known that they determine the outcome of elections.

Since President Obama’s inauguration in January 2009, some Democrats, and a large fraction of Independent voters, have swung to the Tea Party and Republican ranks in record numbers, because they see that it is the Liberal agenda of the Obama administration, which has our country trapped in economic purgatory, prolonging the agony and despair for everyone.

And that is why Republicans will make a “clean sweep” in November 2012.

As far as the Democrats having “abandoning” us–it is really more like them saying “I quit” … after we have said “Your’re Fired!

Copyright (c) 2011 by Jeffrey Klein