By: ICLA Admin

The following OSCE intervention by BPE can also be found on the OSCE website.


OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

Working Session 2

Tolerance and Non-Discrimination

Warsaw, September 24, 2013

Referring to the statement of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims, who in his speech stresses the slightest so-called hate crime against Muslims, we believe it is imperative to include hate crimes committed in the name of Islam against others, for they are plentiful and severe.

We would also like to know how one visibly recognizes a Muslim. Moreover, the distinguished Personal Representative mentioned racism associated with so-called hate crimes against Muslims. We ask: what race is Islam?

It is remarkable that a time when the Arab Muslim world is rounding up the Muslim Brotherhood as a criminal organization and banning them and confiscating their property, the OSCE participating States are still yielding to the hostile narrative. If the Arab Muslim world can reject this, why can’t we? One need only look at events in Kenya and recently even church torchings in Sweden as well as Germany to understand that it is not members of the Muslim faith that have to fear from the non-Muslim population but non-Muslims and Christians who have to fear a brutal persecution from those acting in the name of Islam with impunity while the OSCE remains silent.

BPE recommends the following to OSCE, ODIHR and participating States:

– That the term “racism” be used sparingly by OSCE, and only to explicit obstacles to human rights and fundamental freedoms.

– That OSCE and participating States respond to the staggering number of crimes committed in the name of Islam.