By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

To say I was despondent over the health care atrocity passing this weekend would be an understatement of some magnitude. But I’ve had a day to think and three people have rallied me to keep on fighting. The first is the above video from our friends at Power Line. It brought into focus for me the true evil that is trying to manipulate the greatest country on the face of the Earth – in fact the greatest country the planet has ever known. The video reminded me that America can come back from the dark; can defeat the enemy from within.

The second is Glenn Beck. This is a man that in my opinion, speaks from the heart and is a true patriot. He is someone I would be proud to call friend. The Progressives have truly awakened a sleeping giant and we are coming for them:

The third is Kim Priestap – a tremendous blogger and a friend. She gave me a figurative slap up alongside my head when I really needed it today. Kim reminded me that the States will fight right alongside all of us. My state of Idaho will be among the first to sue over health care – our Governor Butch Otter was the first to throw the state gauntlet down last week and I am honored to support him.

We now have to focus and rally together as never before. Things are going to get very interesting and we, as patriots, will have to make very difficult decisions in the days and months ahead. Above all, we have to make a stand and keep fighting for the Constitution, our founding principles and our country. We should thank our craven politicians and the Progressives. They are taking off their masks and are revealing exactly who the enemy is.

Be willing to give all for your beliefs. Take care and protect your family and neighbors. Pray. And get up every day and fight for America and for the future of our children. Fight for the ethical and right thing. We may have lost a battle, but the war is far from over and we will win it.

Now is the time for patriots to arise… Protest, campaign and vote the bastards out.