By: Carolyn Cooke

The National Council for a New America (NCNA), a group of well-known moderate Republicans, began their tour in the “heart of a firmly liberal community.” Listening to leftists is going to give these self-anointed spokespeople of the Republican Party opinions that match their “liberal lite” narrative.

The supposed “listening” tour is being tightly controlled as to what will be “heard” by the Republican-in-name-only (RINO) members of the NCNA. They are purposely side-stepping an issue of great concern to the American people –amnesty for 12-30 million illegal aliens and their families, and border security. Amnesty, or any path to citizenship for illegal aliens, is legislation that jeopardizes American sovereignty and the United States Constitution. The illegal alien invasion threatens our existence as a free people by undermining the rule of law. A discussion of border security is no where to be found. Experts say illegal aliens are crossing into America at decreasing rates from Latin American countries. At the same time, illegal aliens from Muslim countries in Africa are entering the United States anonymously and unrestricted in increasing numbers through our porous border with Mexico. Why are members of the NCNA not listening to the people’s concerns over the national security threat of America’s open borders?

Where is the discussion of President Bush’s unconstitutional bailout? His legislation set into motion the growth of an unprecedented national debt under Obama and it ceded control of taxpayer dollars to an unelected bureaucrat. The bailout circumvented the U.S. Constitution by taking control of the use taxpayer dollars away from the elected and accountable members of United States House of Representatives.

Setting out to counter the growing conservative shift in the Republican Party and in the country, the NCNA will apparently be manipulating their audiences in hopes of erasing the Party’s conservative principles at staged events across the country. Their hope is to falsely portray a minimal amount of support among mainstream citizens for a conservative movement that is actually growing by leaps and bounds. The NCNA will be lauded for their progressivism by the main stream media.

According to a Rasmussen poll from January, 2009, “56% of all voters said the Republican Party should return to the views and values of President Ronald Reagan to be successful. Eighty-five percent of Republican voters agreed”. Yet, Jeb Bush, a member of the NCNA, is attempting to bury the success of Reagan’s conservative principles by declaring them outdated at a time when they are most needed to counter Obama’s socialism.

Why assail the Reagan era? Is it that the RINOs are afraid of the power of the U.S. Constitution and President Reagan as its modern day symbol? Reagan had a profound belief in the rule of law, in the greatness of the American people and our unalienable rights to freedom and liberty. Attacking Reagan is an indirect attack on the United States Constitution. Declaring the symbol of Constitutional governance, President Reagan, “obsolete” effectively leaves the conservative majority of this country without a political party.

Obviously Jeb Bush, John McCain, Eric Cantor and Mitt Romney, et al, are trying to marginalize Conservatives in the eyes of citizens. These retreads do not want the American people to know the truth. Conservatives stayed home in the 2006 and 2008 elections because they refused to reward the GOP candidates that continually turn their backs on the United States Constitution. The unprincipled Arlen Specter defected to the Democrat Party to save his liberal political hide, as he so stated.

Is the agenda of the NCNA to neuter the Republican Party and in effect create a one party system which would be the equivalent of totalitarianism? Watch carefully for a renewed call for bipartisanship, the pseudo-Republican’s excuse for supporting anti-Constitutional legislation.

Citizens have awakened to the fact their freedoms and liberties are being legislated away by both parties. Our Representative Republic is being dismantled. They are looking for the clear alternative – a party of principles based on the United States Constitution, not a bunch of political hacks attempting to convince the public through propaganda to turn left.

Americans do not want a “new” America, especially one designed by the NCNA to fit squarely into the socialist plans of the Obama administration. After all, what could be more “progressive” than a country founded on the timeless belief that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”? Contributing Editor Carolyn Cooke is an American citizen activist committed to the preservation of a sovereign United States.