Joe Wierzbicki here of the Our Country Deserves Better Committee. I am currently riding the Tea Party Express II blue bus and was tipped off a couple hours ago about the fact that Barack Obama attacked all of us in private discussions with Democratic Members of Congress during the leadup to the healthcare vote.

Here’s the report, via the New York Times:

According to Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon, who supports the health care bill, the president asked (the Democrats in their meeting), “Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care? All it will do is confuse and dispirit” Democratic voters “and it will encourage the extremists.”

So Mr. Obama called us extremists? Not much of a surprise.

But what IS important is the fact that Barack Obama is so unnerved by this great tea party movement. Folks, our efforts have put Obama-Pelosi-Reid on the defensive and no less than Barack Obama is panicked about our effectiveness!

Well let him get panicked because I just concluded a meeting with our top staff at the Our Country Deserves Better Committee and we are putting the plans into place to defeat as many of the 220 politicians who just voted for the socialistic government-run healthcare plan.

Using TV ads, radio ads, campaign mailers, and grass roots campaign operations the Our Country Deserves Better Committee will be launching Independent Expenditure campaigns to defeat those Members of Congress who sold out our Constitution as part of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid march towards socialism.

You can help pitch-in to this cause. For the next 48 hours we have a goal to raise $75,000 to kick-off this effort. You’ve all seen how effective we’ve been with the Tea Party Express effort. And it’s time to take it a step further and win the campaigns to take back the House & Senate in 2010.

Whether $25, $50, $100, $500 or any amount up to $5,000 (the maximum allowed contribution) we’d appreciate whatever donation you can make.

You can make a contribution – HERE.

You can also support our efforts by mailing in a contribution to our headquarters:

Our Country Deserves Better Committee
ATTN: Tea Party Project
770 L Street #1020
Sacramento, CA 95814