By: Andrea Shea King
The Radio Patriot

Hat tip IOTW

If you see it the way I do, you’re going to be p-o’d at what you read below. Keep in mind the Obama-Union partnership responsible for ruining our economy is the determined force behind this effort to destroy Gov. Scott Walker. Wisconsin is Ground Zero in this battle for our country. You think these useful idiots collecting a union-protected paycheck CARE about a balanced state budget? Really? They want “theirs”, and if it plunges the Beaver State back into the red, so frikkin’ what! Useful idiots whose gimme, gimme, gimme greed supercedes common sense. And these people differerent from the encamped anarchists and marauders in NYC how???

Help us help Gov. Scott Walker and what’s left of the sane population in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Turns Around Their Fiscal Problems Without Raising Taxes and Progs Are FURIOUS

Wisconsin is all you have to look to to see the prog mentality.


Madison – The cars pulled up to the curb on a west side street and within a minute or two they pulled away, leaving behind the drivers’ signatures to recall Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch.

The recall drive is rolling around Wisconsin, with petition circulators holding everything from midnight parties to this curbside collection effort. Scores of drives statewide have been held on some days, focusing on everything from Black Friday retailers to deer-cleaning stations, sporting events and holiday parades.

This group of about 80 volunteers has been working in shifts of six to eight people to collect signatures on a series of high-traffic Madison streets that are wide enough to let a steady stream of cars pull over safely without having to go into a parking lot. For a week, this group alone has been averaging some 400 signatures a day, with many stops taking less time than the average fast food drive-through.

“I care a lot about Wisconsin, and it’s really hurting to see it being dismantled,” said volunteer Gary Nelson, a former longtime math teacher in the Madison School District.

Organizers of the recall effort against Walker say volunteers such as Nelson gathered more than 105,000 signatures over the first four days, though the figure can’t be independently verified. If accurate, that number easily tops early figures in a similar petition drive in the larger state of Ohio as well as what Wisconsin organizers say were their own targets.

To recall Walker and Kleefisch, organizers need to gather 540,208 signatures in 60 days, but say they want to gather 600,000 to 700,000 to leave a cushion because some signatures inevitably will be thrown out.

“The way that signatures are coming in is slightly above expectations and the goals that we were looking at,” said Meagan Mahaffey, executive director of the recall group United Wisconsin.

Democrats and union supporters say they are seeking the recall because of Walker’s repeal of most collective bargaining for public workers and cuts to public education and health care programs for the poor. They’re also seeking to recall four GOP senators for supporting those policies.

Top Republicans say they’re assuming recall organizers will get the signatures they need and are putting their energies into winning the recall election that would follow. They said Walker and Republican lawmakers solved a $3 billion budget gap over two years without relying on tax increases and shouldn’t lose their offices to a “baseless partisan power-grab.”

“Wisconsin families are only interested in moving our state forward. We remain focused on Governor Walker’s common-sense reforms that have laid the ground work for economic growth, and our economy only continues to improve,” said Ben Sparks, a spokesman for the state Republican Party.

State election officials anticipate they will need an extra $650,000 next year to handle costs associated with the recalls, with potentially millions of dollars more in costs for local governments.


The world is watching!!!! And what is happening in Wisconsin has NOTHING to do with “the children.” A few percentage points cut from union pensions and added to co-pays and the GREEDY progs bus in dirtbags from all around the country to re-cripple a recovering Wisconsin.

I hope the recall is successful and Wisconsin runs an even more Draconian foe of progs, and then that person wins.

ht/ Big Slurpy

Related story – Prog Pol in Wisconsin involved in voter fraud?