
Please visit to learn more and support our campaign to STOP Obamacare!.

Obamacare does not give you better access to healthcare or lower your insurance premiums. It is more sinister than you know, and we must stop it NOW!

That’s why Dr. Obamacare has arisen from the Dead: To take your money, your churches money, AND your employers money…or take your LIFE!

Can Dr. Obamacare be stopped? Is there no hope? Is this the end of democracy in America? Can someone give him a breath mint?

There will be a NEW Dr. Obamacare episode EVERY 2 – 3 WEEKS between now and November 3rd, 2012….always released on Tuesday at 9am. Tune in to find out!

“His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity.
He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent”
-Psalms 10 7-8


***Warning: If you have a heart condition, are pregnant, or are afraid of the dark…do NOT watch this video! We need you alive to defeat Obamacare!