Many conservatives are wondering just how we got where we are today on healthcare… With the majority of Americans against it and screaming at the top of their lungs to stop the spending, it is inconceivable that our politicians are basically saying, ‘Damn the torpedoes!’ and are charging full steam ahead with no regards of their reelection chances or of the desires of the American voters. Either they figure that voters will forget quickly and reelect them; that they know better than Americans concerning what is good for Americans (i.e. voters are predictably stupid and no better than small children or pets); or these said politicians figure they will never leave office due to a change in America’s government (a silent coup). Take your pick – the outcome is the same. We get the horrendous healthcare legislation passed and we pay and pay and pay…

In essence, the Marxists will get what they have been angling for and it has taken just about 100 years to do it. A very select upper class and the rest of America will slip into and join the ranks of a lower class that Marxists consider our place in society. When liberals tell you they are doing this for the poor and down-trodden, they mean just the opposite. The only help they will give the poor is to swell their ranks and to relieve them of any money, property or rights that are deigned ‘appropriate’ only for the elite caste.

New Zeal has a new post up that goes into this topic in depth: Obama File 91 Barack Obama and the Socialist Healthcare Scamsters. He exposes the healthcare bill for what it is – a Marxist scam of epic proportions. Key excerpt:

The blunt truth is this. The push to socialize US Heathcare came, not from from the “people”, but from small clique of Marxists, led by a man with close persional ties to president Barack Obama.

This group’s goal is fully socialized, government run “single payer” healthcare-as long promoted through Congressman John Conyers’ National Health Insurance Act, or HR 676.

The leader of this Marxist clique is Quentin Young-a retired Chicago physician, a life long Marxist activist and long time friend and political ally of Barack Obama.

Physicians for a National Health Program National Coordinator Dr. Quentin Young with Sen. Barack Obama at Dr. Young’s 80th birthday celebration in 2003.

As you read on during New Zeal’s in-depth research on this, you will see ties to Marxist and Communist groups, Cuba, the Progressive movement and a wide range of other horrendous developments unfolding in front of the American viewership. We have been told over and over again that we are imagining Communists at every turn. That American paranoia runs amuck and we see red boogeymen at every turn. Well, it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you. And while claiming that those of us ringing the alarm bells are crazy, the Marxists and Progressives have been busy little bees. Sowing their agenda in the softest of America’s spots – education and government. If it was not so horrifying to watch, you’d have to say well done, well done indeed…


Obama’s Healthcare Bill is the cornerstone of his Presidency.

Should the Bill pass, in almost any form, it will pave the way for more and more legislative changes, which will change American health and political culture beyond recognition.

The Marxist left looks to the British example. They believe that “single payer” will lock the stubbornly conservative US worker, into near permanent support for the Democratic Party-just as it did for the British Labour Party after WW2.

Leading Communist Party member Norman Markowitz wrote in the Party journal Political Affairs;

A “single payer” national health system – known as “socialized medicine” in the rest of the developed world – should be an essential part of the change that the core constituencies which elected Obama desperately need. Britain serves as an important political lesson for strategists. After the Labor Party established the National Health Service after World War II, supposedly conservative workers and low-income people under religious and other influences who tended to support the Conservatives were much more likely to vote for the Labor Party when health care, social welfare, education and pro-working class policies were enacted by labor-supported governments.

Please read the whole post at New Zeal. It is incredibly full of detail and every American should know what is going on here. Obama is about to pull off the biggest Socialist scam in history and forge ahead with a major step in forwarding his Marxist ideology in America. The people he surrounds himself with – doctors, professors, politicians, power-mongers – are intent on rewriting the Constitution and changing America forever. If healthcare passes, our country will never be the same and I fear a civil war will ensue. Millions of Americans are willing and ready to give their lives to save America and her freedoms – we are frightfully close to taking a step that could make the Civil War look like a holiday.

New Zeal – Obama File 91 Barack Obama and the Socialist Healthcare Scamsters

UPDATE: Bob McCarty Writes – Labor Boss Acknowledges Own ‘Lambourghini Health Plan’ at Single-Payer Strategy Conference